Buying My Wife Better Beauty Products
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Buying My Wife Better Beauty Products

My wife is obsessed with makeup, which is why I usually try to get her something special for her birthday. Unfortunately, last year, my gift really fell flat. I purchased an eyeshadow kit that was chock full of colors, but the actual powders weren't the best quality. It was frustrating for her, and I felt really bad that I hadn't invested more into the gift. However, I did some research to learn more about makeup and brands, and now I can buy cosmetics with the best of them. Check out this blog for great ways to tell good products from the bad.

Buying My Wife Better Beauty Products

When Might You Want 0.03mm Lash Extensions?

Lucia Roman

When you start shopping for eyelash extensions, you'll soon realize just how many different choices there are. There are many different lengths, and there are even different shapes. (Some lashes are shaped like a C, and others like a J.) One variation that's not quite as intuitive is the thickness of the lashes. You'll see some thicker 0.05 and 0.07mm lashes, but you'll also see some that are significantly thinner at 0.03mm. When are these thin, 0.03mm lashes ideal? Here are some key situations in which you'd want to use them.

You want to maintain a more delicate look.

Some people get eyelash extensions because they want a really dramatic, obvious look. But maybe you want false lashes that just look like really full, natural lashes. In this case, 0.03mm lashes are a good choice. This thickness is closer to the thickness of most natural lashes. You can use just a few of the lashes to add volume to what you naturally have without dramatically changing your appearance. 

You find most lashes too heavy.

Almost everyone who gets false lashes finds that they feel really heavy at first. For most people, though, this feeling wears off within a few days. If it never wears off for you and you just feel really uncomfortable with false lashes on, then you may want to try some 0.03mm lashes. Because they are so much thinner, they weigh less. As long as you don't put an unreasonable number of them on your eyelids, they should not feel as heavy as other false lashes. You might still feel like your eyelids are heavy for the first few hours you wear them, but then this sensation should wear off.

You want a really youthful look.

The thin, soft look of 0.03mm lashes helps create a more youthful look than you get with many other lashes. If you are young and getting lash extensions for the first time, these thinner lashes can help maintain your youthful appearance. Or, if you feel like you're starting to look too aged and would like to reverse that a bit, you can switch to 0.03mm lashes instead of the thicker ones.

These thin, 0.03mm lashes are not for everyone. They won't give you the thick, dramatic lashes you see in Hollywood. They can, however, be a good choice for anyone who wants a natural look, a young look, or lashes that don't weigh down your lids.

To learn more about lash extensions, contact a company like Plumerian Inc.  
